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Carol Rak designs all of our color combinations, both natural and dyed.
We can also work with the customer to make custom mixes based on samples.

All the mohair used is kid, and all the silk is tussah.
(Kid mohair is much softer than regular mohair and the color of tussah silk is very distinct from that of cultivated - which is white!)

The colors in the natural, the grays, blacks, and whites, are the original color of the animal fleece. These natural fleece fibers can be seen at the bottom of this section. Carol picks the sheep for the richness and intensity of their colors as well as the quality of their wool.

Carol also hand dyes these vibrant colors. You can see some of our color combinations here.

First, our ALL NEW Winter 2002-3 Patterns and Samples: (natural fleece and dyed samples)

Click on fabric sample to see larger image.

burgundy feathers

burgundy pinks

cappaccino blues


deepest night

gentle blues

hidden plums

mint pastels

natural alpaca b/w

plum dream

purple cappuccino

scarlet satins

natural beige alpaca

white black alpaca mix 2

Dyed and Color Patterns and Samples:
(natural fleece
samples below the dyed section)

autumn shades
Autumn Shades
elfin glade
Elfin Glade
falling leaves
Falling Leaves

Dancing Poppies
Indian Blankey
Nature Pink

Olive Grove

Sweet Greens and Blues

Painted Desert
grandma's garden
Magenta Moods
spirit dancing

Indian Blanket
burgundy blues
Burgundy Blues
purple passion
Purple Passion
stained glass
Stained Glass
shaded orchids
Shaded Orchids
24 - Turquoise Dream
Turquoise Dream

Summer Forest
Winter Sky

Orange Wine

Natural Fleece colors and combinations:
white kid mohair
White Kid Mohair
white with tussa
White Single Twill w/ BlackÊWarp
white w/grey kid mohair
White/Kid Mohair zz twill
with Black Warp
poodle with mohair
Frosty with Mohair/Silk
pepper with kid mohair
Pepper with Mohair/Silk
white and grey mohair
White single twill with Black warp
tussa silk
Black with Kid Mohair

White kid mohair/black warp

natural white with mohair/ black warp

Leicester Fleece

When you have found a color that you like, or near what you like, we can work out your custom order.
Please visit our Purchase Page, or our Products pages to further research your wearable art.

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Contents © 2000-04 Carol Rak and www.WearFiberArt.com
Site Design and hosting by nanoSmith
Graphic Design by fisheyeworld

Photography on site by Alyce Henson